Anyone with me in this sentiment?? Oh, we appreciate all the snow 'cuz it's much-needed moisture for our pastures and such, but I'm definitely ready for spring and warmer weather.
Pronghorn Ridge has come a long way in just 1.5 years since we purchased the land and it was a blank slate. We have some pretty lofty goals and we aim to achieve them. Our biggest goal is healing the land since the plot we purchased was conventionally farmed for many years and was fairly depleted of nutrients. It was way overgrown with weeds and has MANY areas of soil that are hard as a rock (not enough microorganisms, nutrients and biomass =concrete soil). We began changing this immediately by adding goats (and their llama guardians) to eat down the weeds (their prefered forage is brush and weeds), to deposit their droppings and help work the soil. They have done an amazing job in the North pasture and we are moving them to the South pasture this year where they will be rotated with the pastured poultry following behind them (this adds valuable nitrogen to the soil and the chickens keep bugs, weed seeds and parasites at bay while also scratching and turning the soil). We also had no-till seed drilling completed in the spring of last year to introduce some dryland pasture grasses and begin building better biomass and soil health. We're praying fervently that we have some great pasture growth this spring with all the moisture lately!
2020 has many exciting farm adventures awaiting! We are offering pre-orders this year for pastured chicken and turkey and expect to sell out!! After launching pre-orders 2 weeks ago we have already sold 40% of our 1st available pre-order chickens! I'm beyond excited that so many are passionate about what we are able to provide with our pastured meats. We recognize the world is waking up and demanding a change in food production practices. It is our absolute honor to get to be a small part in making a difference.
BABY GOATS! Our first farm kids are due in just over 2 weeks (if the goats abide by my calendar, of course)! Four of our young mommas will be delivering their first kids and we just can't wait to meet the new additions! If you're looking for a 4-H goat, pet, or want to raise your own for meat or simply entertainment, our kids are also available for pre-order. And don't you worry...we'll be posting PLENTY of pics when they arrive.
2020 is also bringing a lot more garden space. We grow our own produce for our family and I always try to add something new each year. This year we will be starting a hops garden for our own home-brewed beer. My husband will be building a beautiful arbor for them to trellis and the beans will get to share as well. We will also be growing Organic FRESH POULTRY HERBS for you to purchase when you pick up your orders. How convenient to be able to pick up some chicken or turkey and grab some fresh organic locally grown herbs at the same time! Toss them both in the insta-pot (use this easy recipe) and you've got a delicious, nutritious 100% farm-fresh meal! While you're at it, grab a dozen of our rainbow pastured poultry eggs for breakfast and it's one-stop shopping at it's finest (especially when you can kiss a baby goat while you're at it...I mean come on).
There you have it! 2020 is bringing triple the number of pastured poultry available for you, additional egg layers for plenty of eggs, baby goats, fresh organic poultry herbs...and baby goats. Sounds like a great year to me ;-)
We can't wait to meet you at the farm!
For the love of clucks, bucks and ducks,
Shanyn Cascia
